Fallujah - In the name of God!

© Studio-Orta


"Fallujah began its life as a collaboration with writer Dr. Jonathan Holmes who recorded eyewitness accounts of the invasion of Iraq. Fallujah became the epitome of human suffering and military omnipotence and powerlessness. It formed the epicentre of the violent and enduring conflicts between Iraqi resistance fighters and American soldiers in 2003. Our work deals specifically with the consequences caused by the invasion as well as the extreme damage in the lives of people who reside in the war-afflicted country and how the media censorship distorted our vision of the conflict. In an attempt to communicate the experience we used objects of real artefacts from everyday life, such as chairs, hospital beds, clothes and shoes, or objects from combat zones such as stretchers, bunks, ambulances, first aid kits, or water canisters – the series also includes technical devices such as microphones and cameras used by the banned foreign media, in attempt to communicate the atrocities. I think the fact that our research was not fictional documentary (our collaborators were actually on location), nor the objects pseudo copies, made the work even more poignant." (Lucy Orta in conversation with Alex Gawronski)

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